Volume XLVII, Issue 4 ~ April 23, 2024
The Pastor’s Paragraphs…
God looked upon all creation and saw that it was good – very good. ~ Genesis 1:31
Happy Easter, everyone! Three weeks out, I confess it does seem like Easter has ended; if not with the resurrection, then definitely when that one forgotten, semi-petrified Peep went into the microwave for a final, satisfying eruption of whatever marshmallow is made of.
But weighing in at 50 calendar days, Easter is the longest liturgical season of the year – longer even than Lent. It gives us seven weeks to celebrate and wonder about what it means to be a people whose God entered into our mortal existence…then transcended its final frontier. In so doing, Christ transformed the trajectory of human history.
The empty cross stands as an eternal reminder of an ascendant empire that failed to destroy human faith, hope, and love. The empty cross stands witness the rise and fall of earthly powers, the eternality of God, and the global reach of the Gospel’s life-giving message. Injustice, inhumanity, and death do not get the last word because the energy that promotes them is merely mortal, whereas the divine energy of faith, hope, and love is borderless and everlasting.
I’m sometimes reminded of a scene from Star Wars: A New Hope when Luke asks Yoda if evil is more powerful than goodness. Yoda immediately responds, “No. It’s quicker, easier, more tempting.” (Chill out, enthusiasts; I know I’m paraphrasing.) To date, that’s still the best description of the appeal of evil. But evil carries in it the seeds of its own downfall.
Gospel of Jesus Christ offers eternal life, which we can understand as an afterlife, but that’s not all it means. It carries in it a vision of how to live sustainably (“kingdom of heaven” living). Salvation is possible for our societies, maybe even for our planet, as we reclaim the image of God in us. Jesus reminds us that the image of God is our birthright, that we come from original goodness recognized by God.
This Easter season, remember your birthright, meditate upon the meaning of your baptism, ponder that empty cross, and embrace eternal life for all of life.
As we launch into early spring, we enter another stage of the transitional process at Trinity. Session will soon receive official approval from the Presbytery Committee on Ministry (COM) to begin the search for the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). That responsibility falls to our regular Nominating Committee who also will be placing candidates for all the usual positions at the same time.
Here’s what else is happening:
- A small group of members is exploring the near future of Adult Christian Education at Trinity in response to the Sailboat conversations and in agreement with the Strategic Task Force report that identified life-long spiritual formation as a priority
- Another small group of members and the Worship Ministry Team will begin exploring new possibilities for our Sunday worship in a few weeks, again with an eye to the near future and inspired by Sailboat discussions, the Strategic Task Force report, and the skills and connections of our members
- Session has decided to hold additional meetings (this is how you know they are serious) to focus solely on prayer and digging into the Strategic Task Force report
This is happening as we welcome the warmer weather and all that comes with it, celebrate graduations and school letting out, and keep up the regular rhythms of congregational life during the summer. Please be patient with the process and encourage and pray for those leading it. Please prayerfully consider how God might be calling you to participate in the life of our congregation, now and in the future. Please pray for our Session and Deacons, our staff, and our pastors – the current one and the next one. Your prayers matter. Your presence matters. We’re on this boat together and we need you.
5/1 Jason Kruse
5/1 Sarah Blakely
5/2 Charles Long
5/2 Emma Young
5/3 Heather Pinamonte
5/5 Sandra Newell
5/6 Kaylee Shanks
5/6 Jim Fagan
5/6 Beverly Anderson
5/7 David Penly
5/8 Meghan Sorensen
5/8 Mackenzie Sorensen
5/9 Josh Griffith
5/11 Robert Britton
5/11 Paul Endriss
5/12 Ben Avitt
5/14 Jim Wilson
5/17 Blair Lawson
5/17 Leighia VanDam
5/19 Cassandra Goble
5/21 Sandie Cate
5/22 Sondra Dyer
5/22 Margaret Vernon
5/23 Sharon McCullough
5/23 Adam Kruse
5/23 Emily McAllister
5/24 Derek Overton
5/25 Megan Cross
5/27 Amy Fredricks
5/27 Matthew Wilson
5/28 Scarlett Grissom
5/29 Kyle McKasson
5/29 Laura Penly
5/30 Aaron New
Rodney Prickett for recovery following hip replacement surgery.
Dawn Dixon for energy and strength.
John & Bev Anderson for strength and healing.
Westview Care Center
John & Bev Anderson
Sandy Newell
Joan Lucas
The Village Care Center
Dawn Dixon
May 1 – Discussion Night
May 8 – Outing Night (we’ll plan something fun)
May 15 – Last Night 🥺 Summer Games & Senior Send-off. Wear clothes that you’re okay getting wet/dirty and bring a towel.
June 15-21 – Worktrip 2024 to Tulsa, OK
June 23 – Worktrip Sunday & Lunch
August – Hoping for a last gathering before school/college (Date TBD)
Questions- call/text Van Dams (515)689-2797
Trinity United Presbyterian Church Certifies (again!) as a PC(USA) EARTH CARE CONGREGATION
Trinity United Presbyterian Church has once again received certification as an Earth Care Congregation by the PC(USA)’s Hunger Program through February 2025. This certification recognizes churches that commit to take seriously God’s charge to “till and keep” the garden.
The Earth Care certification speaks to the serious commitment that Trinity United has made to care for God’s earth. To become an Earth Care Congregation, we affirmed an Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental care practices and thinking into our worship, education, facilities and outreach.
Take a look at some of our church activities that incorporate environmental care practices:
- Educating the congregation on earth care topics
- Using energy efficient lighting
- Recycling glass and paper
- A written policy not to use Styrofoam and plastic kitchenware
- Cultivating a pollinator garden on the property
- Using a rain barrel
- Using and promoting fair trade coffee
- Using reusable containers
Pastor Macc is out of the office May 3-10, 2024 for a religious retreat. She will not have access to cell phone service or email during that time. Our Deacons and the Rev. Kip Harris will cover emergency pastoral care, if needed.
Martha Morning Circle will meet on Wednesday, May 8 at 9:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. Carmen Hampton will be our hostess and Juanita Ott will lead us as we study Lesson 9 from our study book, “People Encounter Jesus Through the Work of the Disciples.” Join them for fellowship, study and a short business meeting.
The Calvin Choristers will be presenting a “mini” concert at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, May 8. Please join them in the sanctuary as the choir performs songs from the past year.
No Child Left…Unattended – At Trinity, we want kids to be kids. We also want kids to be safe kids. Please accompany the children in your care into the restroom, walking between the main building and the classroom (PATH) building and during group meals.
Trinity Tunes & Treats Summer 2024
Free concerts at 5 pm – June 16 DM Metro Opera Soloist – July 21 Indianola Trombone Quartet – August 18 Greater DM Community Band.
Ice cream sundaes will be served by Trinity middle school youth at 4:30 pm (free will offering).
Everyone is welcome so bring your friends and neighbors! June & July concerts will be held inside and August concert will be held outside in the shade.
Highlights from the March 27 Session Meeting
- Worship Ministry Team Reported that we have no place to hang the old banners now that we have the screens in the sanctuary. After talking to Rev. Kip Harris it was decided that the available banners will be given to Scotch Ridge Presbyterian Church.
- After discussion it was decided to have separate Session meetings dedicated to the Strategic Task Force. These will be limited to two hour meetings.
- Following the recommendation of members who have been involved in the Contemporary Service since 2022, the Saturday evening Contemporary Service will be discontinued at this time.
- The Nominating Committee met with Pastor Macc to discuss the nominating process for a PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee). Pastor Macc plans to have three one hour sessions with the Nominating Committee before they start any work this year. After discussion, motion passed to begin forming a PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee).
- Social Media Policy was discussed and a copy of the Des Moines Presbytery’s approved policy was shared with recommendations for congregations. Pastor Macc, Barb Yearous and Margaret Blair volunteered to work on a proposed policy for Trinity.
- Due to Baccalaureate on May 22, the next Session meeing will be moved to May 29.
- Recognition of Members – Paul Dalluge for 8 years of service on A&F. Michael Kleene for leading a Wednesday evening Sailboat Church session while Pastor Macc joined the middle school youth. Pastor Macc and Owen Duncan for jumping Glenda’s battery after worship. Chari Kruse for substituting in the office while Wendy was on vacation. Thank you to the El Salvador delegation for representing Trinity on their trip.
BUDGET UPDATE March 31, 2024
Beginning balance $ 78,482.04
Revenue 48,375.42
Expenses (23,528.12)
Ending balance $ 103,329.34
Members of Trinity’s MacDonald Fellowship group volunteered for a two-hour packaging session at Meals From the Heartland in West Des Moines on Thursday, April 11. Conversation, laughter and even a little singing passed the time as we filled 1,620 bags into 45 boxes. This amounts to 9,720 meals to hungry children around the world—many of whom live in orphanages in developing countries. Well done!
Trinity’s Class of 2024 Graduates
Grace Avitt, daughter of Greg & Laura Avitt. She plans on attending University of Northern Iowa and majoring in elementary education.
Autumn Campbell, daughter of Amber & Trevor Campbell and Robert Endriss. She plans on attending Northwest Missouri State University and majoring in agricultural education.
Aubrey Edgerton, daughter of Amy & Nate Fredricks. She plans on attending Morningside University.
Transitional Pastor – Rev. Erica MacCreaigh
Office Administrator – Wendy Dowell
Children and Youth Director – Amy Fredricks
High School Youth Directors – Nick & Becca VanDam
Middle School Youth Directors – Paul & Rachael Wilson
Minister of Music – Mark Koskamp
Chancel Bells & Calvin Choristers Director – Chari Kruse
Chancel Choir Accompanist – Anna Lackaff
Calvin Choristers Accompanist – Gary Richardson
Custodian – Kerry McKasson
Sunday Childcare Attendant – Glenda Richards
Financial Secretary – Betty Dyer