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Volume XLVII, Issue 8 ~ August 27, 2024

The Pastor’s Paragraphs…

Once upon a time, a beat-up old pickup switched lanes in front of me and I glimpsed a bumper sticker on its tailgate reading, “Born Broken. Watch for Finger.”

I was going through a rough patch in life, so I had brokenness in mind. When I saw that bumper sticker, I thought, “That’s so true. We are all born broken.” The bit about the finger puzzled me though. By the time the pickup driver and I came to a red light, I had something like this in mind:

When I got close enough to see the bumper sticker, however, I discovered it actually said, “HORN Broken. Watch for Finger.”

I won’t illustrate that one for you.

In matters of faith, as in other parts of our lives, we often get out of it what we put into it. While I’m not denying the power of God’s grace, I do think certain attitudes help as we navigate the rocky shoals of faith and life.  I can’t think of a better way to describe this than “Watch for Finger.”

If we really want to discover the nearness and dearness of God, we need to learn to see where God leaves fingerprints. I’m not talking about life’s happy little surprises, like finding a quarter in the parking lot or having just enough fumes in your gas tank to lurch up to the pump. I’m thinking of things that are so much a part of our everyday lives, we don’t pay them any attention at all, let alone consider them “blessings.”

The need for a bigger pair of shoes for a growing kid. The sound of our spouse whistling the same dang song every morning. The dad jokes. The ache in our hip. The longing for far-flung family members. Growing, laughing, listening, feeling, loving. We are made in God’s image and all of these things point to our connection with life, with people, with time.

Don’t worry about being born broken. Wear your seatbelt and signal when you turn. Watch for the finger. All will be well.


Praying with Color, September 8 & 15 from 11 am-12 pm in the west side of the Fellowship Hall.

Have you found it hard to keep your focus while you pray? Do you doodle while at meetings or on a long phone call? Does your prayer life need a pick-me-up?

Learn new, colorful ways to engage in personal prayer through a variety of visual styles and art mediums. Sue Kimball, retired art teacher and retired Adult Christian Ed Facilitator, will provide stations to move through on topics of prayer intercessory, Scripture starters, “The Middle Miles”/perseverance, blessings, gratitude, devotional and more. Spend an hour playing with color media, collage and contemplation. No art talent is necessary, so no fear! Just pure time for prayer.


9/1 Mitch Cross
9/1 Chase Cross
9/1 Emma Damman
9/2 Bill Damman
9/3 Chloe Crain
9/3 Rodney Prickett
9/5 Elliott Johnson
9/5 Marlin Bollin
9/5 Juliana VanDam
9/6 Stephanie Frerichs
9/8 John Sorensen
9/8 Marilyn Lawson
9/11 Sophie Waugh
9/13 Linda Beatty
9/16 Megann Grissom
9/16 Larry Lepper
9/16 Louis Nady
9/19 Kim Grissom
9/19 Carmen Hampton
9/19 Dick Tinder
9/21 Chari Kruse
9/26 Brian Anderson
9/26 Chelsea (Crain) Lensing
9/27 John Anderson
9/27 Robert Endriss
9/27 Elyse Shaw
9/28 Gary Richardson
9/30 Cheri Riebhoff
9/30 Jovanka Westbrook


Dawn Dixon for energy and strength.

John & Bev Anderson for strength and healing.

Arlette Kuehl and family for the passing of her son, Brent Kuehl on August 6.

Mark & Susan Wilson and family for the passing of Mark’s dad, Harold Wilson on August 23.


Westview Care Center

John & Bev Anderson

Sandy Newell

The Village Care Center

Dawn Dixon

Thank you-

Our family would like to thank the congregation, Pastor Macc, Rev. Dave Endriss and our deacon Barb Moul for your love, support and prayers during Bob’s fight with cancer.

God Bless, Janella Guilford and family


8/28 – Kick-off (messy games) Wear clothes you’re okay getting dirty and bring a towel.

9/4 – Discussion Night

9/11 – Outing Night – Bring $5 and money for own snacks. Must have church waiver turned in before we leave the building.

9/15 – Pancakes with Van Dam 8-9:30 am in Fellowship Kitchen

9/18 – Discussion Night

9/25 – Movie Night – Bring own snack, drink and cuddle blanket. We’ll be done closer to 8:30 pm.

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Text/call Van Dams with questions/concerns (515)689-2797.

Parents/guardians – PLEASE check out the snack sign-up and help us out!

Did you know that saving your local Indianola Hy-Vee receipts is an easy way to support our high school youth program? For every $100,000 of receipts we turn in, they will issue a check for $350 to the HSY group. There is a collection box on the table in the atrium and a jar in the mail/copy room of the PATH making it easy to drop off your receipts. Thank you so much for your support!


The church office will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.

Pastor Macc will be out of the office from September 2-6. If you have a pastoral emergency while Pastor Macc is away, please contact your deacon or Wendy in the church office and they’ll put you in touch with Rev. Kip Harris.

Calvin Choristers will begin rehearsals on September 4 at 5:30 pm in the sanctuary. All 1st through 5th (and 6th) graders are welcome to join the choir.

Chancel Bells will begin rehearsals on September 4 at 5:50 pm in the west side of the Fellowship Hall. We are in need of another ringer. Please contact Chari Kruse if you are interested.

SWAT is Back! It’s time for Wednesday suppers to start up again! They will take place every Wednesday from 5-6:30 pm. Free will donations will be accepted. Beginning September 4, the Hospitality Team will be serving pizza, salad, veggie tray and desserts. Each week’s meal will be hosted by a different church group. To sign up your group, please use this SignUpGenius link –

Martha Morning PW Circle – It’s hard to believe that summer 2024 is nearly over. Martha Morning Circle will meet on September 11 at 9:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our hostess that day will be Carmen Hampton. Juanita Ott will lead us in Lesson 1 of our new study books, Let Justice Roll Down – God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation. Lesson 1 is entitled “Environmental Justice” – Scripture: Ezekiel 33:21; 34:8; 17; 18-19. We will begin with a time of fellowship followed by the lesson and business meeting. Hope to see you there.

Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women

August 8-11 was the Triennial Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women. This gathering, held in St. Louis Missouri, brought together PW women from all over the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. It was amazing to watch friends from all over the country greet each other with joy and hugs. Due to Covid restrictions three years ago, most of these friends had not been together in person for six years. Watching these reunions of individuals with a wide variety of accents and cultures gives a clear picture of the inclusivity of our Presbyterian Church.

The theme for this Gathering was “Do Everything in Love.” The emphasis was on our responsibility to spread the love God has given us throughout our world and environment. Martha PW circle will be using the Bible study “Let Justice Roll Down; God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and all Creation.” This is a study of Environment Justice. Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet? Ezekiel 34:18-19.

These are some of the memorable quotes I heard while attending the sessions:

  • “Look how well the rest of the world gets along without a brain.”
  • “Different does not mean deficient.”
  • “There is a measurable relation between famine and mental illness. The physical effects of starvation can be carried on for six generations.”

I am grateful to Trinity for helping with the expense and registration, making it possible for me to attend the Triennial Churchwide Gathering for Presbyterian Women. Attending the workshops and listening to speakers presented the truly global nature of the work of PW as they support the missions of the Presbyterian Church USA. – Juanita Ott

BUDGET UPDATE July 31, 2024


Beginning balance $85,297.17

Revenue 31,102.23

Expenses (20,434.29)

Ending balance $95,965.11


Highlights from the July 31 Session Meeting

  1. Robert Endriss and Larry Lepper attended the meeting to discuss proposed changes to the Endowment Policy. This information was provided in preparation for a vote in August.
  2. PATH air conditioning and heating will be discussed next year. The roofing needs will be brought up at the Annual Congregational Meeting in January, 2025.
  3. Approval for baptism of Dorothy Collie Hopkins-Sandage, granddaughter of Deacon member Bill Hopkins.
  4. Ordination and Installation Service for incoming Deacons and Ruling Elders will be held on August 25.
  5. Thank you to Grace Avitt for her past year serving as the youth elder.

Trinity’s El Salvador Team

The TEST members would like to thank the Trinity family for all of their generosity during the month of June and the two challenge gifts that spurred the generosity! We raised $7,776.00. That will help with all roofing lamina and water tank needs that we have and also help with all food through 2024. That is a huge help! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If anyone would like to join TEST, please let anyone involved in the mission know of your interest. You do not need to have traveled to El Salvador to be on the team, you just need to have an interest in helping with the mission. TEST is made up of those who have traveled and others who have not.

Pause for PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee)

The Pastor Nominating Committee is actively achieving the processes needed to call our new pastor to Trinity. This includes writing our Ministry Discernment Profile (job description). We have started by meeting with as many Trinity members as possible to learn your thoughts and ideas on the needs of the church and the skills, strengths and gifts our new pastor should bring to Trinity. We hope you will contact any of the committee members to arrange an individual meeting or meeting with your ministry team, committee, coffee group, family, etc.


Laura Avitt 515-460-1253

Maurice Dyer 515-971-4568

Ranae Fagan 641-751-2092

Sue Kimball 515-961-2493

Mark Koskamp 515-339-4222

Heather Roush 515-865-5565

Tom Westbrook 515-778-0295

Mark Wilson 515-314-1279


Transitional Pastor – Rev. Erica MacCreaigh

Office Administrator – Wendy Dowell
Children and Youth Director – Amy Fredricks
High School Youth Directors – Nick & Becca VanDam
Middle School Youth Directors – Paul & Rachael Wilson
Minister of Music – Mark Koskamp
Chancel Bells & Calvin Choristers Director – Chari Kruse
Chancel Choir Accompanist – Anna Lackaff
Calvin Choristers Accompanist – Gary Richardson
Custodian – Kerry McKasson
Sunday Childcare Attendant – Glenda Richards
Financial Secretary – Betty Dyer


Sunday - 9:30am


Monday - Friday
8:30am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm