Notice of Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 23, 2024 during worship
for the purposes of:
- Affirming the election of the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee (*Slate will be announced at least one week prior to the congregational meeting)
- Revising Article 11a of the Bylaws of Trinity United Presbyterian Church to read: “The Session shall consist of fifteen (15) ruling Elders twelve (12) Ruling Elders divided into three equal classes”
- Revising Article 17 of the Bylaws of Trinity United Presbyterian Church to read: “Nominations will include 1) not fewer than five (5) Elders four (4) Ruling Elders, each for a three-year term”
All friends and members of Trinity are welcome to attend the meeting. All members have privileges of voice and vote.