Get Involved

Trinity United Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women

We are women who want to feel the love and support of other wonderful women, learn in Bible study, and support causes we care about through mission. Any woman is welcome at any time.

Martha Morning Circle - Meets the 2nd Wednesday of Sept-May at 9:15 am in the Fellowship Room

Ana Circle - Meets on the 4th Monday of Jan-Apr and Aug-Nov at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Room

Trinity United Presbyterian Church Men's Group

Men's Group

Any men are welcome to join these informal and fun fellowship groups

Men's Group Coffee/Discussion - Every Thursday from 10:00-11:00 am
An informal, lively discussion with 8-20 men who drink coffee and talk about the topic of the day

Trinity United Presbyterian Church Adult Sunday School

Adult Bible Study

Presbyterian Bible Study

Throughout the program year Sept-May

This class meets in the Fellowship Hall classroom

Children & Youth

Get Involved - Jesus Crew & God Squad

Jesus Crew & God Squad

(Preschool-2nd Grade)

Our youngest youth groups are learning about God in a fun and safe environment. Jesus Crew is for preschool-aged children and is led by several teachers. Stacia Kleene leads them in a rousing time of music. Both groups meet every Wednesday from 6:15-7:00 pm Sept-May.

Get Involved - Kids Club

Kids Club

(Grades 3rd-5th)

We spend our time together growing our faith in God and building great relationships. We focus on acts of kindness and the stories of the Bible. This high-energy group meets each Wednesday from 6:15-7:00 pm Sept-May in the PATH basement for discussion, skits, fun and games.

Get Involved - Middle School Youth

Middle School Youth (MS-G1)

(Grades 6th-8th)

Come join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm Sept-May in the PATH basement for fun and games, snacks, scripture and faith development. We also go on an annual summer camp trip.

Get Involved - Christians In Action

High School Youth (CIA)

(Grades 9th-12th)

All high school youth and their friends are welcome Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm Sept-May in the PATH to continue finding our way along God's plan for us. We have discussion, movies, games, activities, food, music, and fun. We also meet in small groups once a month.

Trinity United Presbyterian Church Worship Group

Worship Music Groups


Calvin Choristers (2nd-6th graders, 1st graders if familiar with music) Rehearse Wednesday from 5:30-5:50 pm

Chancel Bells (9th grade-adult)
Rehearse Wednesday 5:50-7:00 pm

Chancel Choir (9th grade-adult)
Rehearse Wednesday 7:00-8:00 pm

Ministry Teams


Become a part of the team that is involved with helping our members--young and old--grow in their faith through Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, adult studies, and intergenerational activities. There are no dues or cooking required!


It takes many people to keep up with the routine maintenance and extra projects involved with our church facilities. Join us for a specific project or become an active member of the team. We do it all--the new sound system, downspouts, faucet repairs, mulch, and more!


This team is all about taking care of our members and making sure our visitors are warmly received. Sometimes we show love through food--especially coffee and treats after each service.


Whether it's preparing communion, decorating the sanctuary, preparing for special services, or finding ushers and worship leaders, this team is all about making worship a meaningful experience for Trinity.


Organizing opportunities for our members to be generous is at the heart of the church. Stewardship pledges, capital improvement drives, and special offerings all have to be planned and organized. This group is committed to that process.


Like any organization, Trinity has bills to pay and financial responsibilities to uphold. This team ensures that budgets are followed, employees get paid, and that faith is at the heart of these "business matters."


This team keeps mission and outreach in the forefront of Trinity's congregation. They
organize events, invite Mission Sunday speakers, allocate funds, and encourage
participation in mission opportunities.

Mission Opportunities

Trinity has a long history of mission projects and outreach. We are proud of the positive impact we have had here in our own community through our involvement in Helping Hand, Heal House, WeLift, Open Table and Habitat for Humanity. We are committed to sister parishes in El Salvador--the villages of Casa de Zinc and Casa de Zacate and support Our Sister Parish Pastoral House in Berlín, El Salvador. Trinity offers many ways to get involved in mission work that shows the love of God to our wider community.