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Volume XLVII, Issue 12 ~ December 23, 2024

The Pastor’s Paragraphs…

Adult Christian Education

Join us as we review — and wrap up — our conversation on Tod Bolsinger’s Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory
DIGGING INTO OUR DNA: Members’ Class, Part 1 February 23 (tentative)
Thinking about hitching your team to Trinity’s wagon? This is the class for you! Wondering what it means to be Presbyterian in the 21st century midwest? We are, too – let’s explore that together. Think you know Trinity better than Pastor Macc does? YOU’RE PROBABLY RIGHT! So come weigh in as we bring newbies and the Presby-curious up to speed. [Class tentatively scheduled to run 11:00-1:00.]
Adult Christian Education will not meet in January.


1/2 Jessica Ackerson
1/3 Rhonda Sayler
1/3 Randy Owen
1/5 Carla Brown
1/6 Paul Wilson
1/7 Avery New
1/7 Jackson Overton
1/7 Jim Thorius
1/8 Dane Sorensen
1/9 Lillian Williams
1/11 Mark Van Dam
1/11 Jeanenne Glascock
1/12 Autumn Campbell
1/13 Felicia Kruse
1/18 Jessi Henle
1/18 Jori Coghlan
1/18 Rebecca Swainey
1/19 Jon Riebhoff
1/22 Randall Grissom
1/22 Michael Lathrop
1/23 Greg Avitt
1/27 Teegan Sauter
1/28 Allison Coffey
1/29 David Tracy
1/30 Kathy Betterton
1/30 Mark Wilson
1/31 David Lanning


The family of Tom & Sue Kimball for the passing of Tom’s brother.

The family of Dawn Dixon for Dawn’s passing on November 28.

John & Bev Anderson for strength and healing.


Westview Care Center

John & Bev Anderson

Sandy Newell

The Village Care Center

Marilyn Wood


Jan 1 –  No CIA – Happy New Year!
Jan 3-4 – Lock-in (more info to come)
Jan 8 – Movie Night – Bring your own snack, drink and cuddle blanket
Jan 15 – Discussion Night
Jan 19 – Worktrip Fundraiser – Host breakfast during the Congregational Meeting – Be at the church at 10 am to help set-up, serve and clean-up
Jan 22 – Guest Speaker
Jan 29 – Guest Speaker

“You are the God who works wonders; you have made known Your strength among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14

Please call or text Van Dams with any questions at (515)689-2797.


Holiday Schedule – December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight & Caroling 7 pm. The church office will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 and January 1. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Pastor Macc will be out of the office from December 25 through January 1. In case of pastoral emergency, please call your deacon and s/he will put you in touch with the pastor on call.

Mitten Tree – You can help those in need by donating mittens, hats and scarves to the mitten tree located in the atrium. All items go to The Helping Hand.

CIA is collecting donations to fill blessing bags and care packages for Trinity graduates. We will put a basket in the entrance of both buildings if you can help. Items needed: mini shampoos/conditioners, bar soap, toothbrushes & small toothpaste, Ziploc bags (gallon & sandwich size), individual snacks, pudding cups, pull off top soups/SpaghettiOs/ravioli, applesauce cups/packets, big bags of chocolate bars, ramen/mac-n-cheese cups, gum packets, Chapstick, fruit snacks, small containers of pringles, breakfast bars, gift cards, etc.

Keep in mind the final deposit for 2024 will be made on Monday, December 30 at 9 am. Please plan accordingly.

Blood Drive – Saturday, January 4 from 7-11:30 am. Come to the Fellowship Hall and give the gift of life! You can schedule your appointment by going online to or call 1-800-827-4903.

Annual Congregational Meeting – Are you curious about what is really happening at Trinity? One of the best ways to find out is to attend Trinity’s Annual Congregational Meeting. Join us on Sunday, January 19 following worship. Breakfast, provided by Session, will be served during the meeting with proceeds going to CIA (high school youth group).

In case of inclement weather, you may check one or more of the following places to find out if church services are taking place: Facebook, email, Trinity’s website, KCCI weather closings or WHO-TV weather closings.

Directory Updates:

Gloria Elmore


Tracy & Laura Bollin

He: 515-201-9674

She: 515-202-5961

Budget Update November 30, 2024


Beginning balance $ 61,772.28

Revenue 21,064.89

Expenses (25,096.22)

Ending balance $ 57,740.95


Highlights from the November 20 Session Meeting

  1. Tom Westbrook reported that PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee) plans to have the MDP (Ministry Discernment Profile) submitted to COM (Committee on Ministry) for their December 5 meeting.
  2. Approval of updated Funeral Dinner Policy.
  3. Approval for Trinity to host the February 22, 2025 Presbytery meeting.
  4. Approval for TEST (Trinity El Salvador Team) to begin its annual fundraising for fertilizer funds.
  5. Approval for the Christmas Joy Offering to be taken on December 22.
  6. Approval for the sale of salsa made from the tomato plants grown outside the PATH. Funds will go toward TEST.
  7. Set a date for the Annual Congregational Meeting – January 19, 2025. Session will provide food for brunch and CIA will serve.
  8. Recognition of Members – Patrick O’Neil and family for the adult education presentation on his Eagle Scout project at CISS (Central Iowa Shelter & Services). Barb Yearous for the road trip to CISS. DeVerne Dixon for his adult education presentation on Trinity’s mission trip to Indianola, MS in 1965.

It’s that time of the year when Trinity’s El Salvador Team (TEST) would like to ask for your help for our brothers and sisters in our sister communities of Casa de Zinc and Casa de Zacate.

FOOD BASKETSFor the past four years, due to disappointing crops, Trinity has needed to send $50 food baskets every quarter for our 10 Casa de Zinc families, 20 Casa de Zacate families and 5 Pastoral Team families. We hope to continue this as word has it that this year’s crop is also not good due to Tropical Storm Sara. We have funds to send food through December.

FERTILIZER – For $160 two bags of fertilizer can be purchased – one pre-emergent and one post-emergent – for each of our Casa de Zinc and Casa de Zacate families. There is a Christmas tree on our El Salvador display table with two pictures of each family. Each one represents one $80 bag of fertilizer. If you want to pay for both, take both pictures of the same family home with you. If you want to pay for one, take one of the pictures and someone else can help with the other bag. Any amount is welcomed – no amount is too small. In our combined efforts, we need to collect a total of $4,800 for fertilizer that will be sent down by the end of January.

You may give by check to Trinity with a note on the memo line as to your designation. You may also give online:

Your support will help good things grow in the lives of our families in El Salvador. Enjoy having the family pictures and pray for them regularly. Thank you so much.

2025 Delegation Members: Betty Dyer, Maurice Dyer, David Arentson, Grace Avitt, Rev. Kip Harris, Brett Henle, Laird Jack, Owen Jack, Melina Kingkade, Tammy Kingkade, Michael Kleene, Andrew Little,  Renee Little, Ross Pinamonte

If you’re interested in making a financial donation to WeLIFT, you can mail a check to:
WeLIFT Job Search Center
106 East Second Ave.
Indianola, IA 50125
You may also donate online by going to


Transitional Pastor – Rev. Erica MacCreaigh

Office Administrator – Wendy Dowell
Children and Youth Director – Amy Fredricks
High School Youth Directors – Nick & Becca Van Dam
Middle School Youth Directors – Paul & Rachael Wilson
Minister of Music – Mark Koskamp
Chancel Bells & Calvin Choristers Director – Chari Kruse
Chancel Choir Accompanist – Anna Lackaff
Calvin Choristers Accompanist – Gary Richardson
Custodian – Kerry McKasson
Sunday Childcare Attendant – Glenda Richards
Financial Secretary – Betty Dyer


Sunday - 9:30am


Monday - Friday
8:30am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm