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Volume XLVIlI, Issue 1 ~ January 21, 2025

The Pastor’s Paragraphs…

Trinity, we have crossed a significant threshold in our transitional journey. Your PNC deserves kudos for jumping feet first into the transitional process and bringing us to this moment. The Ministry Discernment Profile (MDP) is now available to view on the PC(USA)’s job search website.

As someone on the other side of the “matchmaking” process, I’d like to share some things about the pastoral candidate’s experience. The website allows us to see job postings of all kinds from all over the country. A nationwide search of positions classified as “Solo Pastor – Installed” (the classification Trinity is using) brings up 313 results, by far the largest group on the website. The website currently shows 769 active applicants. But the word “active” is a little misleading.

Pastors are notoriously bad about saying they’re willing to go anywhere God leads them, only to discover that the midwestern U.S. is a vast place full of states they’ve barely heard of, can’t find on a map, and are sure they never want to live in. It is a statistical certainty that our PNC will encounter some of those candidates. It’s important not to take “geographic rejection” too much to heart.

Some candidates may get as far as an in-person interview with our PNC, complete with a tour of Indianola, only to back out at what may feel like the last minute. Joining a new-to-you congregation, especially if it requires relocating to a place where they know no one, is a socially and spiritually massive undertaking for a pastor. Few will do it unless they are very, very sure it is a good fit. Some won’t know until they get a good look at you.  Again, it’s important not to take personally a candidate’s decision to withdraw from consideration.

Psalm 16:6 says, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; I have a good inheritance.” For me, as a candidate and a pastor, this verse reminds me that God intends ministry not to be a death march, but something pleasant and life-giving for everyone involved. My prayer is that you and your next pastor will confidently know that you belong together, because the “vibe” you have is warm and the potential you see in each other suggests abundance and joyfulness. Keep these things in your prayers, even as you keep the PNC and your next installed pastor in your prayers.

All will be well. All will be well. All manner of things will be well. ~Julian of Norwich

Adult Christian Education

ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION BRAINSTORM/PLANNING February 2, 2025. What do you want to learn or practice as you mature in faith? Who do you know (or know of) who teaches well or leads interesting discussions? Got a faith-formation goal you need group support to achieve? Come dish with your fellow Trinitytes as we envision and plan our studies for the coming year!

CANOEING THE MOUNTAINS – REVISITED February 9 and 16. Join us to review and wrap up our conversation on Tod Bolsinger’s Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory. You need not have read the book or attended the 2024 classes to join the discussion.


2/5 Lon Davey
2/5 Bob Dyer
2/7 Greysen Griffith
2/10 Clisty Porter
2/12 Lorena Bollin
2/13 Cindy Barton
2/13 Cody Riebhoff
2/14 Rachael Henle
2/14 Gary Noble
2/16 Emmett McAllister
2/17 Owen Jack
2/18 Asher Endriss
2/18 Nick VanDam
2/21 Rick Ackerson
2/22 Stephanie (Little) Loew
2/23 Austin Olsen
2/23 Everett Brown
2/24 Sara Sturtz
2/24 Spencer Waugh
2/25 Cindy Henle
2/25 Ellie McCombs
2/28 Brad Eveland
2/28 Carmen Eveland


John & Bev Anderson for strength and healing.

Thanks to all who reached out to our family during Marilyn’s decline and following her passing, and a special thanks to those who donated food and to the kitchen/dining room crew that arranged and served a wonderful luncheon following Marilyn’s funeral service. Also accolades to Pastor Macc for planning and officiating the beautiful memorial service, which included a most meaningful message.
      –The Al Wood family


Westview Care Center

John & Bev Anderson

Sandy Newell


2/5 – Outing Night (not sure what we’ll do but we hope to get out and do something fun)
2/7 – Sweethearts Dinner Set-up 6-9 pm – Bring food/drink items for dinner
2/8 – Sweethearts Dinner Set-up 10 am-5pm, Dinner 5:30-8pm, Clean-up 8-10 pm
2/12 – Discussion Night
2/19 – Serving SWAT meal – Need help from 4-7 pm
2/26 – Discussion Night

And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

Please call or text Van Dams with any questions at (515)689-2797.


Pastor Macc will be out of the office from January 24 through January 28. In case of pastoral emergency, please call your deacon and s/he will put you in touch with the pastor on call.

The Annual Sweethearts Dinner will take place on Saturday, February 8 from 5:30-8 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Grilled pork ribeye or cheese garlic zucchini steak will be served. Tickets are $25 each. For reservations, please call Van Dam’s at 515-689-2797.

Martha Morning Circle will meet on February 12 in the Fellowship Hall at 9:15 am. Peggy Kruse will be the hostess and Ranae Fagan will present Lesson 6 – “Climate Change.”  Please plan to join us for fellowship, a lesson and a short business meeting.  All are welcome.

Thank you to all who gave generously to the Christmas Joy Offering! The 2024 Joy Offering total was $2,682. Every generous act of giving is from above. (James 1:17)

Annual Per Capita is an annual offering on behalf of all members of Presbyterian congregations. It reminds us of our belonging to a nationwide church 1.1 million strong. It reinforces the value of supporting ministry beyond our own walls. And it upholds our current and evolving governance structures. We encourage each member of the church to contribute to the annual per capita offering. The amount per member for 2025 is $51.84. This would be in addition to your regular offering.

Budget Update December 31, 2024


Beginning balance $ 57,743.90

Revenue 26,495.88

Expenses (45,254.18)

Ending balance $ 38,985.60


Highlights from the December 18 Session Meeting

  1. Removal of names from the rolls.
  2. Memorial Committee – Tom Kimball attended the meeting to share suggestions for remaining memorial funds.
  3. Approval of 2025 budget. Concerns will be brought up during the Annual Congregational Meeting.
  4. Approval of updated Worship Ministry Team Responsibilities.
  5. Approval of 2025 Communion dates: Jan 5, Feb 2, Mar 2, Mar 5 (Ash Wed), Apr 6, Apr 17 (Maundy Thurs), May 4, Jun 1, Jul 6, Aug 3, Sept 7, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7.


February 23, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, includes lunch

PLEASE RSVP by Wednesday, February 19

Thinking about hitching your team to Trinity’s wagon? This is the class for you!

Wondering what it means to be Presbyterian in the 21st century Midwest?

We are, too – let’s explore that together.

Think you know Trinity better than Pastor Macc does?


So come weigh in with your questions and your answers as we bring

newbies and the Presby-curious up to speed.


Please keep our confirmands, mentors, and class facilitators in your prayers

as we journey toward changing the world!


Blane, Brett, Callen, Campbell, Hadley, Isabella, Patrick and Riley


Alan, Denise, Jim, Jo, Ranae and Tom


Amy, Becca, Nick, Pastor Macc, Paul and Rachael

Mark your calendar for these congregational opportunities to support our confirmands:

Sunday, February 9 during worship

Service of Commissioning of Confirmands and Mentors

Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 pm

Ash Wednesday service with confirmands imposing the ashes

Wednesday, March 26 at 8:00 pm

Session examination of confirmands

Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 pm

Maundy Thursday service of washing confirmand’s feet

Sunday, April 20 during worship

Easter Sunday Service of Confirmation and Presentation of Journey Strings

Open Table in Operation 

Many times over the years since TUPC first partnered with our Methodist friends (FUMC), we have shared facts and statistics about Open Table. But a program like this is more than a bunch of cold numbers. It’s the people who work together each month to pull it off, and the people they serve.
It starts with Rebecca Swainey, TUPC Open Table Coordinator. Rebecca plans menus three months at a time coordinating with Marcia Peeler, FUMC Lead Coordinator. The week before each meal she emails the team of regular volunteers notifying them of the menu and any extra help that may be needed.
Groceries are purchased the day before the meal. Rodney Pickett, along with Rebecca, scouts grocery ads and stores shelves for the best prices. Or, sometimes, simply looking for enough of an item to fill the number of meals needed – which is always a guessing game.
Sometimes items on the menu can be broken down for individual volunteers to make a pan of this, a crockpot of that, at home. Kathie Farris, Alan and Denise Core, Beth Leuwerke, Cynthia Tracy and Margaret Vernon can often be counted on for this.
Also counted on are Ranae Fagan, Beth Meints and Kris Nielsen to provide bars or cookies for dessert each month. This can mean each of them baking eight dozen cookies or more at a time!
On the afternoon of the second Tuesday of each month, volunteers gather in the Parish Hall Kitchen at the Methodist Church where Open Table is served. Alan Core, Al Farris, Jim and Ranae Fagan, Rachel Henning and Jerry Ullman, along with Rodney and Rebecca, come together to prepare and serve each meal. Some are in the kitchen cooking. Others are running the dishwasher keeping up with the bowls, pots and pans used during meal preparations. Still others are preparing the containers to be filled.
The containers we use are eco-friendly, biodegradable, made from the refuse of processed sugar cane. We owe a huge thank you to Sinikka Waugh for locating these containers. She continues to work behind the scenes keeping track of where we might get the best price, and placing orders for more as needed.
In general, volunteers handle multiple tasks, stepping in wherever needed. Everyone takes part in filling the containers. This is done assembly line style. Some are dishing up the various menu items while others see that the containers are in constant supply and slide smoothly along the line.
At the end of the line are Herm and Kyla Lenz. Herm and Kyla are members of neither TUPC or FUMC. They attend Center Chapel and are truly the backbone of Open Table. They are there each and every Tuesday. Ask Kyla. Do we need more boxes of containers? Check with Herm. It’s Kyla who keeps track of orders coming in throughout the day. She then bags up each order at the end of the line. 10-15 extra meals are boxed for random last minute requests.
Once the containers are all filled, Kyla, along with Al Farris, Rachel, Jerry or some other volunteers, take them to the designated collection point to be picked up. Meanwhile others on the team are tearing down the assembly line preparing the space to serve those who choose to dine-in.
At the end of the day when all the dishes are dried and put away, counter tops and tables wiped down, and meal stats confirmed between Kyla and Rebecca, it is Herm and Kyla who carry the basket of towels and aprons home to be laundered. All that’s left is for Rebecca to record the number of meals served in the monthly stats.

HEAL House of Iowa

In 2024, HEAL House of Iowa assisted a total of 45 guests, including 17 children. These guests ranged in age from 2 months to 74 years old. Currently, we have eight guests staying at HEAL House, ranging in age from 22 months to 68 years old.

HEAL House provides the guests with a laundry room, pantry with shared refrigerators, microwaves, crockpot, coffee maker and several food options. Donations received go toward the purchase of these items and the general upkeep and maintenance of this safe space for Warren County’s homeless population.

Trinity sponsors a “family room” which has a triple bunk bed and a queen size bed. We currently have a mom and 13-year-old daughter staying in our room, and the other family room has a mom with two toddlers.

Trinity has a couple of members who are active in volunteering at HEAL House. Bill Hopkins volunteers on Tuesday mornings (and whenever else he is needed). Jo Byers is on the HEAL House board as secretary and volunteer coordinator, and volunteers on Thursday afternoons.

Submitted by Jo Byers, Mission Team


Transitional Pastor – Rev. Erica MacCreaigh

Office Administrator – Wendy Dowell
Children and Youth Director – Amy Fredricks
High School Youth Directors – Nick & Becca Van Dam
Middle School Youth Directors – Paul & Rachael Wilson
Minister of Music – Mark Koskamp
Chancel Bells & Calvin Choristers Director – Chari Kruse
Chancel Choir Accompanist – Anna Lackaff
Calvin Choristers Accompanist – Gary Richardson
Custodian – Kerry McKasson
Sunday Childcare Attendant – Glenda Richards
Financial Secretary – Betty Dyer


Sunday - 9:30am


Monday - Friday
8:30am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm