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Volume XLVII, Issue 9 ~ September 24, 2024

The Pastor’s Paragraphs…

Just when I should be decking the halls with purple twinkle lights, ceramic punkinheads, and tacky plush ghost and black cat toys, I find myself stuck in advent.

Little “a” advent.  Not big “A.” Advent means “waiting.” Trinity’s transitional journey took a new turn with the formation of the PNC and now there’s as much to wait for as there is to work on. Decisions about the next pastor’s job description and compensation package. The job posting, screening the applicants, and interviews. Continuing conversations about what it means to be “church” and what our part is in the unfolding process.

I’m sure Mary, Jesus’ mom, would have understood our plight.  I mean, just look at how similarly we think about “coming attractions”:

Mary:  How will this be, since I am a virgin?

Me:  How am I going to do this, since I am a-tired?

Mary:  Let it be unto me according to your word.

Me:  Let it be unto me according to whatever will upset the fewest people.

Mary:  Behold the maidservant of the Lord!

Me:  This house is a mess. I wonder how much a maidservant would cost?

Oddly, the thing that bothers me most about waiting to see what God’s up to next is the fact that I’m not actually all that bothered about not knowing. This is very unlike me. I’d like to attribute my lack of worry about Trinity’s future to an evolved state of Christ-consciousness and hard-earned spiritual maturity. But I think it’s just that I no longer have the energy to get freaked out by non-emergencies. For me, not having things all figured out no longer constitutes an emergency.

It helps that Trinity truly is a vital and lively congregation with dedicated and wise leaders. So, we don’t have all the answers. So, we have a lot of unanswered questions. We’re in it together. Together is the best place to be. Even in the waiting room.


Strengthening Christian Spirit through Adult Christian Education –

September 29 and October 6, 13.

Discussion series with Tod Bolsinger’s Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory

Building on concepts we encountered with Sailboat Church, we now explore the reality of a modern landscape that demands different equipment and methods than those that got the church to this moment in history.


10/1 Ron Leuwerke
10/2 Loren Bartlett
10/2 Bob Lester
10/3 Wyatt Dyer
10/3 Annabelle Endriss
10/3 Lucy Endriss
10/3 Jennifer Overton
10/5 Kathie Farris
10/8 Susan Lathrop
10/8 Vernal McClymond
10/8 Ross Pinamonte
10/10 Pat Wilson
10/11 Steve Sayler
10/13 Lisa Damman
10/13 Matt Kruse
10/14 Rachel Riebhoff
10/15 Jay Claerhout
10/15 Janella Guilford
10/17 Michelle Cross
10/19 Becca VanDam
10/20 Gloria Elmore
10/21 Peggy Kruse
10/25 Laurie Bowers
10/27 Kyle Coghlan
10/27 Amanda McCombs
10/28 Linda Davey
10/29 Dawn Ackerson
10/29 Elena Grissom
10/30 Dave Grissom
10/31 James Damman


Dawn Dixon for energy and strength.

John & Bev Anderson for strength and healing.


Westview Care Center

John & Bev Anderson

Sandy Newell

The Village Care Center

Dawn Dixon


10/2 – Discussion Night

10/3 – Study Time

10/9 – Guest Speaker & Communion

10/16 – Serving SWAT (will need youth help in the kitchen between 4:30-7 pm) Bring your food/drink items to help with the meal.

10/17 – Study Time

10/20 – Pancakes with Van Dam from 8-9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall Kitchen

10/23 – Halloween Fun & Tacos – Bring your pumpkin carving/painting ideas and food/drink items to help with supper.

10/30 – No Youth – Beggar’s Night

“Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13b

Parents/Guardians, please help with snacks/drinks! Sign up using the link below.

Text or call Van Dams with questions or concerns at (515)689-2797.


October 6 is World Communion Sunday! Come celebrate our table fellowship with Christians across the globe:
  • Share in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with breads from around the world
  • Help the Green Team be the BEAN Team as we fill the shelves of the Warren County Food Pantry with non-perishable food items, especially canned baked beans! Your contributions will be collected by the children of the church and displayed on the chancel during worship.
  • Contribute financially to the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Peace and Global Witness offering to heal conflict and injustice here at home and around the world.

Stewardship Giving Season – It’s time to prepare for our Annual Stewardship Drive. You will receive a pledge packet by mail in early October. Please join us for Stewardship Sunday on October  20 and Dedication Sunday on October 27. We hope you prayerfully reflect on God’s blessings in your life. Thank you for your continued support. I&S Ministry Team

Martha Circle will meet on October 9 at 9:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our hostess will be Cassandra Goble. We will start with a time of fellowship after which Karen Weinman will lead us in Lesson 2, “Land Justice.”  After the lesson we will have a short business meeting. Please plan to join us.  All are welcome.

Peace & Global Witness Offering – A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this offering to connect with the global witness of Christ’s peace. Mid councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness. Trinity will receive the Peace & Global Witness Offering on World Communion Sunday, October 6. Thank you for your generosity.

Did you know? The Chimes that Mark plays at the beginning of every church service were added to Trinity’s original organ in 1957. They were a gift from the Hamilton family in memory of W. T. Hamilton, a lifelong resident of Indianola and a Presbyterian. He was known to be “an outstanding citizen, faithful churchman and served his community and church with vision, commitment and boundless energy.” Thus, they are appropriately called the Hamilton Memorial Chimes. When the Dobson organ replaced the original organ in 1982 the chimes were moved to the new instrument.

Have you ever wondered about the green Celtic cross and matching candle holders that we sometimes use in front of the pulpit? They were donated by John J. Hopkins, of Washington, D.C. Mr. Hopkins was “chairman of the board of General Dynamics Corp, the firm that developed the famed Nautilus atomic submarine for the United States Navy. The cross and candleholders, both specially designed and made by an Ohio firm, were given in memory of Mr. Hopkins’ father, the Rev. John Thomas Hopkins, who was pastor when Trinity’s current building was built in 1900. Rev. Hopkins was pastor from 1898 to 1904.” The younger Mr. Hopkins lived in Indianola as a small boy.

Both tidbits were in 1957 Indianola newspapers.

–Marieta Grissom

Dobson Pipe Organ Builders – If you are in the mood for a road trip, our friends at Dobson Pipe Organ Builders are having a celebration in October. Dobson is opening their brand new shop in Lake City, Iowa after a devastating fire destroyed their original building in 2021. They are also celebrating the 50th anniversary of their founding in 1974. Trinity has been part of “Team Dobson” for much of that time since our Dobson pipe organ was installed in 1982 after months of prior planning and construction.

Dobson is celebrating their milestone with two events that are open to the public. On Friday, October 18, there will be an organ concert by Dr. Bradley Welch, organist of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. He will perform at 7:30 pm on the Dobson organ that was built in 1980 for the Lake City Union Church, just west of the town square. Admission is free and there will be a reception afterward. On Saturday, October 19, the new shop will be open from 10 am to 2 pm. It’s located on the site of the old shop at the northeast corner of the square in Lake City. Tours will be available as well as refreshments. Even for non-woodworkers, the shop is a fascinating place filled with specialized equipment. There may even be a partially completed instrument offering a glimpse of the inner workings of a pipe organ!

Presbyterian Women – In case you didn’t know, Trinity is proud to have two circles of Presbyterian Women. These circles are part of the national organization of Presbyterian Women and one of their purposes is to support and strengthen the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) beginning at the congregational level. Ana Circle meets on the 4th Monday of January-April and August-November at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. They are currently studying Psalm 23 using the book Traveling Light by Max Lucado. Ana Circle also takes a turn at serving the SWAT dinners on Wednesday. Martha Circle is studying what the Bible has to say about Environmental Justice. This year, Martha Circle has offered to provide monthly treats for the middle school and high school youth groups on Wednesday evening. They also occasionally serve the SWAT dinners. Martha Circle meets the 2nd Wednesday of Sept-May at 9:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. Please consider joining either (or both) of these groups. Just show up at a meeting and you will be cordially welcomed.

Directory Update:

Theresa Dyer

805 SE Tallgrass Ln #507

Waukee, IA 50263


BUDGET UPDATE August 31, 2024


Beginning balance $95,965.11

Revenue 13,953.37

Expenses (19,455.76)

Ending balance $90,462.72


Highlights from the August 28 Session Meeting

  1. Request from PNC to hire a videographer was approved.
  2. Proposed Endowment Policy changes were approved.
  3. Set a date for Elder Training – Saturday, October 5 from 9 am-12 pm.
  4. Request from Indianola Tour of Homes to allow alcohol in the Fellowship Hall on December 13 was approved.
  5. Trinity will have a float in the Log Cabin Days Parade on September 28 at 10 am.
  6. Recognition of Members – Robert Endriss and Larry Lepper for their work on the Endowment Policy changes. Susan Tinder for the Sewing Group coordination. Technical Team members who provide sound and video: Greg & Laura Avitt, Heather Roush, Reed Robbins, John Sorensen, Joel & Deanne Herr.

Donate to Warren County Food Pantry on Sunday, October 6

The number of people using Warren County Food Pantry has tripled since August 2022. The average increase is 20-25 new families each month. The food pantry purchases food from Food Bank of Iowa, around 10,000 – 12,000 pounds a month, so financial donations are always helpful. Please follow this link to make a donation

In addition to food, one of the most helpful services the food pantry offers is information about other services that can be helpful to struggling families such as Warren County General Assistance. Also, the program IMPACT is at the food pantry on certain days and helps families with utility assistance.

Current needs include dish soap, canned soup, chili beans, mac & cheese, canned ravioli and Hamburger Helper. Please bring your donations to worship on Sunday, October 6.

Pause for PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee)

A Call For All Trinity Members to attend the Sunday, September 29 Service – We have hired a videographer who will shoot photos and video at our service on Sunday, September 29. This will be used to present a portrait of Trinity in our call for our new pastor. Let’s fill the sanctuary. Bring family, extended family, friends, etc. to show our Faith in Action.


Transitional Pastor – Rev. Erica MacCreaigh

Office Administrator – Wendy Dowell
Children and Youth Director – Amy Fredricks
High School Youth Directors – Nick & Becca VanDam
Middle School Youth Directors – Paul & Rachael Wilson
Minister of Music – Mark Koskamp
Chancel Bells & Calvin Choristers Director – Chari Kruse
Chancel Choir Accompanist – Anna Lackaff
Calvin Choristers Accompanist – Gary Richardson
Custodian – Kerry McKasson
Sunday Childcare Attendant – Glenda Richards
Financial Secretary – Betty Dyer


Sunday - 9:30am


Monday - Friday
8:30am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 3:00pm